Exceptional Service
Importance of “pruning”
for individual trees.
*Pruning is a specific technique that involves removal of certain parts of a tree (branches, leaves, buds, roots, or plants) and any unwanted or diseased parts that can potentially harm or stunt trees from continuing to grow healthily.
To keep the natural beauty of a tree, maintenance and pruning process is important because it allows trees to properly create space for sunlight exposure. This is important for the leaves and helps keep the trees lightened while remaining healthy. Regular pruning also helps maintain the size of the tree and requires usually only once a year if properly maintained.
After obtaining a Landscape certification in 2013, I began working at a traditional Landscaping Company in Tokyo for the next 5 years. Throughout these years I have gained important knowledge and developed a deeper understanding with the art of landscaping. I specifically enjoy pruning trees and since become skillful with this process. If you ever feel overwhelmed or require support with pruning your trees or removing unwanted shrubs in your garden: “I’m here to help You”.